When I heard the first clap of thunder I thought my ears were deceiving me, or that perhaps my brain had finally just given up and moved back to Florida, where the ONLY good thing was the kick-ass thunderstorms we had every day in the summer (minus the spike in humidity that followed to accompany the 105+ degree heat). But it's an actual thunderstorm. Ten years ago I would have laughed my ass off at someone writing about some freaking rain and thunder, but lemme tell you, the West has made me actually miss things like clouds and thunder and snow and all that good stuff.
Oh, and it's starting to rain. Big drops, too, none of the drizzle the losers around here normally consider rain. And it's rush hour. The chaos. I have already heard wayyyy more sirens than normal for a Thursday afternoon on Santa Monica Boulevard.
Good God am I easily pleased. Everyone in my office thinks I'm crazy because I'm excited about some damn thunder.