For those of you opposed to geek-related posts, I suggest you move on.
Last night I was watching Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country (definitely the best Trek film starring the original cast--yes I have gone against the popular grain here, but it's better than Khan. Khan's a little too campy and there's no Iman as a shapeshifter) and was floored by the trial scene. Worf's grandpa is supposed to be defending Kirk and McCoy in a Klingon trial. Worf must've gotten his cajones from his mom's side.
The trial starts out with the Evil General Chang bombastically proclaiming Kirk responsible for the death of the Klingon Chancellor and claiming that McCoy was negligent in failing to save the Chancellor's life. Worf fails to object to Chang's conclusory statements, his harassment of the witnesses, the introduction of heresay (although it
was a statement against interest), and Chang's failure to offer any evidence. He is obviously too busy stroking the fabric of his awesome robe. And wondering where the hell his hairline went.
Of course, the legal rules of procedure may be different on Klingon. But even there I would assume that some type of objection would be permitted, although it is likely that in the Klingon Empire the judge would rule based upon which attorney drew blood first or something equally as violent.
But I digress.
Worf's most egregious omission was his failure to state any kind of defense for McCoy and Kirk. Does he call any witnesses? Make any arguments at all to exonerate his clients? Is it considered weakness to even offer a defense on Klingon?
I need to get my hands on a copy of the Klingon Rules of Civil Procedure. Somehow I doubt they have a meet and confer requirement, unless it involves bat'leths.
I think the combination of the Star Trek-geeking out and the legal-geeking out in this post may have pushed me over the edge of geek and into the realm of dork. And I think I'm okay with that.