I was pretty unhappy with my old blog at this address, the fact that I failed to maintain and update it on a regular basis, and the fact that it sucked. Plus, there were some fairly unflattering pictures of me posing next to my new car, Rita the Red Rabbit, a year ago.
So here were go again. The game's the same, but the name has changed.
I like this forum (blogging) for several reasons. It seems somewhat less narcissistic than myspace or facebook (I'm talking out my ass here, I only have a vague idea of what facebook even is) in that it's hopefully a bit more anonymous and less about collecting "friends" and posting ridiculous pictures. The best part about blogging is that in order for you to read it, you have to come to me, which makes it less intrusive and less "in your face" than emailing or traditional communications.
So come on down, all are welcome, to glimpse into the depths of my distorted, hazy, sometimes completely irrational mind. Enjoy the show. And the Kandinsky.
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