I realized over the weekend that I am O.L.D. No, it wasn't the muscle aches after hiking (although that did confirm it for me). It was the TV that did it.
Back in the day, when I got my hands on the channel box (as I like to call it, much to T-man's dismay) I went straight to MTV. Of course, we only had one MTV, rather than many there are now. And it played at least some music videos. And maybe the Real World. But I digress.
I don't think I've watched MTV for about five years. I found the channel this weekend for about three seconds and I couldn't get away from it fast enough. What is this crap? At that moment, when I was choosing to watch CNN prime news rather than MTV, it struck me that the transformation is complete.
I am getting gray hair (thanks Mom!).
I am getting achy old-lady hips (thanks Grandma!).
I can't stand loud commercials (thanks Dad!).
And I can't watch MTV anymore to save my life. But I still like by circa 1982 MTV t-shirt that my Dad snagged for me back when I was a little kid. It looks just like the logo above, same colors and everything, and it's awesome.
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