Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I Can Dig It

Touch Me I'm Going To Scream, Part 2

You guys know My Morning Jacket? I had heard of them a few years ago, but I frankly brushed them off as one of those My Chemical Romance, Fall Out Boy kind of bands. Probably because of the name.

But dude. These guys are good. They got a little Eagles in 'em. A little Floyd. They're a little jam-y, but I dig that kind of music.

Unfortunately I don't know how to embed just audio cuz I'm a techno-idiot that can barely blog, but I did find at least one of their videos that's pretty cool.

And they got this song, Knot Comes Loose, that's beautiful. It's on their 2005 album, Z. I highly recommend checking that shiz out.

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