I waded into the wilds of Westwood (how good is that alliteration?) last night for the premiere of Star Trek. Even an hour before the show the line was literally halfway around the block. As Westwood is the home of UCLA, it was an interesting mix of straight-up Trekkers, college nerds, and people desperate to prove that they aren't really into Star Trek, even though they were waiting in line with dorks like me. Homeless men even mocked us with Vulcan hand gestures while we waited. Fun for all.
It was worth the annoyance. What an awesome movie.
The movie had alot of ground to cover since it's introducing many people to its universe for the first time. Uhura had a pretty big role in the movie, partially I'm sure because she is literally the only female that gets more than 2 minutes on screen, and she does a good job with it. She doesn't get to do any ass-kicking, though. Maybe in the sequel they could let her go on an away mission, for God's sake.
The cast was pretty perfect. The dude playing Bones hit it almost too perfectly--his facial expressions were cracking up the whole theater. Chekov's accent is distracting its so over-the-top, but again, it served as comic relief. Surprisingly, there was really quite a bit of comedy to this movie, I laughed out loud many more times than I expected. And it was also kind of sad. But I don't want to spoil anybody.
Of course, and I don't think this is a secret, the movie is a whole new timeline for Kirk 'n' gang, so from here they can really go anywhere. I am sad to tell my Iowan friend that per new timeline, Kirk is no longer born in Riverside, Iowa, although he still does grow up there.
Overall I take my hat off to J.J. Abrams, not just for giving me TV to watch again (thank GOD for LOST and Fringe), but for making a fantastic Star Trek movie. I guarantee I'm going to see it again. In the theater.
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