1. Heather Chandler: Did you eat a brain tumor for breakfast? (Not-so-fun-fact: the actress that uttered this line died of a brain tumor in the early aughts).
2. Heather Chandler: "What's your damage?"
3. Veronica: "Oh come on! Mineral water has come a long way."
J.D.: "But this is Ohio. If you don't have a brewski in your hand you might as well be wearing a dress."
4. Heather Chandler: "Fuck me gently with a chainsaw. Do I look like Mother Teresa?"
5. Cop: "The quarterback buggering the linebacker. What a waste! Oh the humanity!"
6. Veronica: "Heather why can't you just be a friend? Why are you such a megabitch?"
Heather Duke: "Because I can be."
7. Veronica: "Heather says real life sucks losers dry. If you wanna fuck with the eagles, you gotta learn to fly. I said, 'so you teach people how to spread their wings and fly?' She said yes. I said 'you're beautiful.'"
8. Great pate but I gotta motor if I want to be ready for this funeral.
9. Kirk: "Hey Ram, doesn't this cafeteria have a no fags allowed rule?"
J.D.: :"Well they seem to have an open door policy for assholes though, don't they?"
10. Heather Chandler: "You stupid fuck."
Veronica: "You goddamn bitch."
Heather: "You were nothing before you met me. You were playing barbies with Betty Finn. You were a bluebird. You were a brownie. You were a girl scout cookie. I got you into a Remington party and what's my thanks? It's on a hallway carpet. I got paid in puke!"
Veronica: "Lick it up baby. Lick. It. Up."
Heather: "Monday morning your history. I'll tell everyone about tonight. Transfer to Washington. Transfer to Jefferson. No one at Westerberg's gonna let you play their reindeer games."**
**I didn't even have to look this one up. Its been memorized and embedded in my mind from the tender age of 12. In 1990, they were the awesomest lines I had ever heard.
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