Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Another Bush

I have little hope for McCain. Not that I had alot to begin with, but he just keeps getting worse and worse.

Although he stated several times that he does not believe in unwarranted wire tapping, he has now done (another) 180 and stated that the Executive should have the ability to spy on Americans "in a time of war."

Same crap as Bush. Constitution? What Constitution? (As a side note, I must point out that this is not a Democrat/Republican issue. Our Senator, the lovely Dianne Feinstein, voted for the warrantless surveillance bill, FISA, too. When I wrote her to say how disappointed I was that she gave away our civil liberties, I received a reply that because I was a simple citizen and didn't know what the Senator knew from our military, that I was just wrong. Bitch.)

Listen, asshats, if you have a reason to spy on Americans, a judge will issue a warrant. If you don't have a reason to be spying on Americans...well....that's we have the Fourth Amendment! And they wonder why membership with the ACLU has doubled since Bush became President.

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