Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Bathroom Small Talk Gone Wrong


Location: Office bathroom, which is shared with several other suites on our floor.

Scene: Cold, rainy, dreary. Monday morning.

Me (to lady from another office, name unknown): Geez look at us. Its one of those days that just calls to you to wear all black, isn't it?

Lady from another office, name unknown: Oh. No, I'm dressing in all black because my mother just died and I am in mourning. She lived with me and I am terribly distraught to no longer have her in my life. I will keep wearing black until I am done mourning.

Me: Oh. Mumble Mumble so sorry mumble run out the door.


Location: Office bathroom, which is shared with several other suites on our floor.

Scene: New Years Eve. Career office lady is moving out, but it's not public knowledge YET.

Me (to random lady from career office next door): Happy New Year!

Lady from Career Office: To you too!

(I go into stall. She continues to talk. It's somewhat muffled. I personally don't like talking from the stall but don't want to be rude).

Lady from Career Office: I'm leaving ..........

Me: Oh, you're leaving? You mean, moving out?

Lady from Career Office: Actually I am moving out, but all I said was that I'm leaving here early today because of the holiday. How did you know I was moving out?

(Lady from Career Office runs out the door without washing dishes she came in to wash).

Question for the day: Just how many people can Emily offend with seemingly innocuous bathroom talk?

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