Monday, February 16, 2009


Finally we have some Japan pictures! Still no camera cord, but the friendly folks at Walgreens got all kinds of technology such that I got all my pictures for the low cost of $2.99. And I didn't really do anything, I just wanted to bust out Hiro-style with one of the only Japanese phrases I know.

Right outside our hotel in Tokyo was Shinjuku Central Park, which has gardens, walking paths, workout areas, a temple, and a large homeless community. This is one of the fierce dogs guarding the temple. Look at them teeth.

The blue tarps indicate a homeless community. They are extremely well organized, have clothes lines and little huts. However, they are literally cordoned off in the corner of the park. It is interesting, weird, and not what I expected to find in Tokyo.

We left Tokyo for only two nights, and during that time we headed north to Sendai and the hot springs that surround Sendai. The hotel that we stayed in provided us with a private dining room where we dined Japanese style. Hot spring hotels in Japan provide yukatas, the robes that we're all sporting, to all guests. Pretty much everyone runs around the hotel in a robe. It's awesome and very comfortable. Of course, we had to specially request a giant-size for me so that I wasn't sporting high-waters, robe-style.

This is the river that ran right alongside our hotel. The hot spring hotel was in a small town that was not touristy at all.

First time through Japan I thought these were graves. Not so. They are markers from the shogun era denoting what samurai ran this area during what time.

Speaking of samarui, can you imagine hauling yourself around in that outfit? Damn! Our hotel had a small museum inside with some relics of the shogun era.

More pictures coming! Food posts next!

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